Straban's avatar

233 Deviations
Ahsoka Tano / Star Wars
Mary Jane / Spiderman
Black Cat / Spider man
Spider Gwen / Gwen Stacy / Spiderman
Mary Jane Carnage / Spiderman
Gwenom / Spiderman
Black Cat / Spiderman
Black Cat / Spiderman
Poison Ivy / Batman
GANTZ0 : Reika Shimohira
Elf Warrior
Elf Mage with Dragon
Elf warrior and the dragon
Elf Mage with Ice Dragon
Final Fantasy Warrior
Handsome Pirate
Water Mage
Black Cat / Spiderman Halloween
DnD character / Wizard
DnD character / Thief - Assassin
DnD character / Priestess

If you need professional Book Covers, Character Design, Illustration, OC, DnD Characters, Card art etc.

- Only 5 slots!!!


Commission form:

Full or half Character?........



Head:..........(hair-type-color, skin, age,eyes color if these are important)


Pose, action:.....


Weapons & equipment:.......



Attached references:.......

Anime/Comic style :

- The prices includes a sketch and a final color image with line art and PayPal's/ Wire transfer fees.

Character design : No pose limitations. Non-commercial prices

- This is a lineart with flat colors and cell shaded light and shadows. The drawing comes with a simple colored background with a gradient or a little atmospheric smoke & shadow.

Semi realistic/realistic style:

- Half body and full body character is the same price, because the half body character face's, outfit will be more detailed. - The price includes 1 black&white preview+final color version and Paypal’s/ Wire transfer fees. Character design : (character with !!simple, basic pose!!, the focus is on the character design) : non-commercial prices > Character with white background: 120USD > Character with *simple background: 180USD * Simple BG :moderated background elements, atmospheric (lights, fog, color, basic simple forms etc.)

Cover / Illustration: ( Character with full background, usually a story with the character(s))

You can still use the image for business purposes example: book cover, posters, prints etc., it is good for small business etc. Need to transfer the payment like a Private Person. If you transfer like a company the price: basic price+ 30% for taxes. Taxes for companies are higher in my country.

> 1 or more Characters + Background: start from 350+USD/image (only illustration without text) depending on how many characters you would like, complex elements, the background complexity and other conditions.

Please let me know if you have any other questions..

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Big Sale! Only 5 slots!!! Commission info May! by Straban, journal